Metro Workshop (Central - Wellington Street) | Hong Kong Coworking Space Platform
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Co-Working Space Metro Workshop (Central - Wellington Street) - Metro Workspace

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Co-Working Space Details

Phone : 3955 8550
Services : 開放空間出租、辦工房間出租、功能房出租、活動空間出租、
Office Hours :

Despacito, Metro Workspace’s newest coworking space is located in 1st Wellington Street, in the heart of Central, the major business district in Hong Kong. The workspace includes a fully equipped kitchen perfect for hosting events and private dinner.

The coworking space is designed with Spanish and Portuguese inspiration. This coworking space suits freelancers and self-employed professionals from all industries. The central location and ease of location make it particularly appealing to people visiting Hong Kong for the first time. There is a number of single or double private rooms. Come and have a coffee and say Hi

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*Service: Hong Kong Co-working Space Platform good ratingGood(+1) Hong Kong Co-working Space Platform Normal Rating Normal(0) Hong Kong Co-working Space Platform Bad Rating Bad (-1)        *Overall Score: / 5
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